WHO CAN COMPETE ? Virtually anyone can compete. Drivers are required to have a valid driver’s license and the vehicle must meet basic safety criteria (i.e. have good brakes, be equipped with a seat belt, etc.) This applies to most streetable type vehicles. Faster, all-out race cars must meet more stringent requirements as outlined in rulesbook of organisations regulating this sport.
WHAT IS A DRAG RACE ? In basic terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a standing start between two vehicles over a measured distance; 1320 feet. These contests are started by means of an electronic device commonly called a Christmas Tree. Upon leaving the starting line, each contestant activates a timer which is, in turn, stopped when the same vehicle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking is the vehicle’s Time"T". 66 feet before the quater mile, the competitor's vehicule activate a photocell; and a second photocell at the quarter mile which in turn gives the Speed of the comptetitor's vehicle represented by the letter "S"
WHAT IS A CANCEL RUN ? When the driver reacts to the Christmas Tree too quickly and drives his car away from the starting line before the green "GO" signal, or when crossing median double center line: The drivers performance for this run is not taken into consideration.
WHAT IS AN "SxT" RACE ? SxT Performance Index is a revolutionary innovation which will change forever the sport of drag racing for which a patent is pending.
Accessible to All at Much Lower Cost. See rate charts on our Website
Much More Safer All starts are heads-up, therefor the risk of collision between two cars of great differential speeds is eliminated.
Action Action Action Non-stop action... No more delays for Dial-In, Ladder Sheets, Cooldown, etc.
Equal Chances for Everyone to Win Thanks to SxT Performance Index, nobody can predict the winner because the usage of all Electronics and Throttle Stop is forbidden.
HOW ABOUT IT ? All drag runs are based on SxT Performance Index, that means that your speed in MPH is multiplied by your Time "T" insecond.
A perfect run is the one who's Speed "S" x Time "T" is equal to 1320.
Look at the exemple below:
For the 2012 season, the winners will be those who's Performance Index will be closer to 1320, over or below.
From each and every competitor's run during a given event, only his closest "SxT Index" will account for.
1 As vehicle approaches starting line it breaks the first light beam and the Pre-Stage light on Christmas Tree is lit.
2 Driver slowly inches car forward until the second light beam is broken and the Staged lights come on.
3 After both cars are staged the Starter activates Christmas Tree and three amber lights and one green are sequenced.
4 Drivers use amber light as a guide to anticipate the green bulb coming on. Leave too soon and a bright red foul shows.
Be proud to be part of this revolutionary innovation and thanks for your contribution for safer event.